Milestone Swimming Club POWERBREATHER

POWERBREATHER Training Programme – Milestone Swimming Club

Sarah Williams from Milestone Swimming Club has started to use the POWERBREATHER as a training tool for her sessions. We joined her last week for a session at Malvern Active and filmed some video (thanks Karen Doyle for filming).

Here is an example of the types of programme where she would use the POWERBREATHER.

Warm Up

16 lengths (400m) Front Crawl and Choice Stroke

Main Set Choice Stroke – With Power Breather

4 lengths kick
8 lengths whole stroke
4 lengths Arms Only
8 lengths whole stroke = 24 lengths (600m)

Additional Set (With Power Breathers for First Set only)
2 lengths sprint 20 seconds rest
4 lengths sprint 30 seconds rest
8 lengths 80% sprint 45 seconds rest
4 lengths sprint 30 seconds rest
2 lengths sprint 20 seconds rest
Repeat the last 20 lengths without Power Breather = 40 lengths (1000m)

Cool Down

8 lengths (200m) Slow and Steady

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