Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is there to be considered when swimming the first time with the POWERBREATHER?
    Even experienced swimmers should not immediately start swimming with the POWERBREATHER, but first familiarize with the new sports equipment. This video will help you fit your POWERBREATHER.

    Best you find firm footing in shallow, no more than shoulder-deep water and put on your POWERBREATHER. Take a position where mouth and nose are under water. The D-TUBE ends should always stay above water! Now you can perfectly study breathing: most probably, in the beginning you will feel some resistance. This is caused by the membranes in the valve system, which on the one hand provides the swimmer with fresh air, and on the other hand prevents water from penetrating. After the first few swimming units with the POWERBREATHER you will hardly notice this resistance. In addition, you train your respiratory muscles, which again positively impacts on your endurance.Only after inhaling and exhaling works perfectly you should start the first swimming movements. Find details in the User Manual.

  • When inhaling, I feel a slight resistance; what is causing it?
    For the first time, our AMEO FRESH AIR SYSTEM provides the swimmer with fresh air – in contrast to traditional snorkels. The POWERBREATHER uses a membrane, which in the beginning can cause slight resistance when inhaling. However, after a few units the swimmer gets quickly used to the POWERBREATHER. Our membrane not only protects the POWERBREATHER from water penetrating, but already during “normal” swimming provides additional, positive training stimulus for the respiratory muscles.
  • What sets the POWERBREATHER apart from a traditional snorkel?
    The basic differences between a POWERBREATHER and a traditional snorkel (e.g. by Finis, Arena or Aqua Sphere) are the following: 1) For the first time, the POWERBREATHER provides the swimmer with only fresh air, there is no health and performance reducing pendulum breathing (with undesirable CO2 accumulation) as with snorkeling; 2) The patented valve technology prevents water from penetrating, impulsive exhaling of water and saliva – as necessary with snorkels – is completely unnecessary, and the swimmer has always free air pipes to breathe; 3) Thanks to its D-TUBES running parallel to the temples (“dual snorkel”) as well as its innovative fastening system, the POWERBREATHER shows excellent ergonomics; at any speed it fits perfectly and stable at the head, and even during fast flip turns it does not shift; 4) Contrary to traditional snorkels, the swimmer can integrate additional respiratory muscle training with the POWERBREATHER in the water to increase the respiratory volume through different membrane resistance.
  • Can I breathe under water with the POWERBREATHER?
    No, the POWERBREATHER is no diving equipment. Therefore, the swimmer can only breathe with the POWERBREATHER, if the valve caps (SPEED VENTS) at the end of the D-TUBES (air pipes) are above the water. Inhaling with the SPEED VENTS under water will lead to water entering the D-TUBES.
  • Can I also snorkel with the POWERBREATHER?
    Yes, the POWERBREATHER is perfectly suited for all snorkeling enthusiasts. The innovative valve technology allows the swimmer or diver to experience snorkeling in a completely new dimension. When exhaling the air via the mouth during diving, you will always have free D-Tubes when reaching the surface. Irritating blowing out of water as with traditional snorkels is not necessary. Due to the fact that the Powerbreather has perfect ergonomics and supplies the snorkeling diver always with fresh air even longer snorkeling of great distances with flippers causes no problems.
  • The Speed Vents are a bit difficult to remove/replace. What can I do?
    Generally, the Speed Vents should not fit too loosely on the D-Tubes. For easy removing and replacing, regularly lubricate the top end of the D-Tubes and the inside of the lower opening of the Speed Vents.
  • It is rather difficult to turn the Easy Fit Air Junction; is this normal?
    During swimming the Easy Fit Air Junction needs to stay stable in its respective position. Therefore, it should not be turned too easily. In cold temperatures and when new, the Easy Fit Air Junction may even turn more difficult. It helps if you turn the Easy Fit Air Junction several times under warm water before use.
  • Are there different POWERBREATHER sizes?
    No, the POWERBREATHER is currently only available in one size. However, it can be optimal adjusted with the innovative AMEO TWIST LOCK SYSTEM for individual head sizes of adults. Experience shows that the POWERBREATHER can be adjusted without any problems to the individual head size of youngsters and children from the age of approximately 12 years. For extremely round head shapes with a width of more than 17.5cm the currently available Powerbreather may possibly pinch a bit at the sides. The D-Tubes should not be pulled apart beyond 17.5cm head width; otherwise the POWERBREATHER can get damaged at the EASY FIT AIR JUNCTION.
  • Can I use the POWERBREATHER even as a real beginner?
    Yes, but only under adult supervision, familiar with the use of a snorkel.
  • Is there a POWERBREATHER particularly for children and youngsters?
    Right now there are no particular POWERBREATHER models for children and youngsters under the age of approximately 12 years available. However, the POWERBREATHER can be adjusted to smaller heads without any problems. Youngsters and women can also attach an individual mouthpiece to the Powerbreather.
  • Does saltwater harm the POWERBREATHER?
    No. However, the POWERBREATHER should be thoroughly rinsed with clean water after every use.
  • How do women with long hair / a bun attach the POWERBREATHER at the back of the head?
    The POWERBREATHER is fixed with the AMEO TWIST LOCK SYSTEM above the bun at the head. The bun should be as far back at the head as possible.
  • Do I get enough air?
    With its innovative 2-way separating system as well as two air pipes parallel to the head the AMEO FRESH AIR SYSTEM ensures continuous inhalation of sufficient fresh air with always free D-TUBES. Therefore, the POWERBREATHER cannot be compared with a classic snorkel, since for the first time ever the swimmer has no pendulum breathing (i.e. undesirable CO2 accumulation, performance drop) with the POWERBREATHER. Thanks to the valve technology of the AMEO FRESH AIR SYSTEM, generally no water penetrates the breathing system of the POWERBREATHER, saliva and occasional moisture, e.g. during flip turns, are seemingly “automatically” and unnoticed removed from the system with every exhalation via the mouth.
  • Do I need a swim cap for the POWERBREATHER?
    A bathing cap is not necessary; however, it gives the POWERBREATHER a better fit at the head, particularly during flip turns.
  • I always lose my POWERBREATHER during the starting dive. What do I do wrong?We strongly advise against a starting dive with the POWERBREATHER.
  • What happens if the POWERBREATHER gets sandy?
    In this case carefully rinse the POWERBREATHER under clean water. Remove and rinse the valve caps at the end of the D-TUBES. Also rinse the D-TUBES, which are now open; then let everything dry (see details in Chapter “Care and Maintenance” in the User Manual).
  • Which swimming goggles match the POWERBREATHER?
    You can wear the POWERBREATHER with any common swimming goggles.
  • Can I use the POWERBREATHER also with diving goggles?
    For snorkeling, you can also wear the POWERBREATHER with diving goggles. However, ensure that the diving goggles are not wider than approx. 17cm.
  • Can I use the POWERBREATHER also with flippers?
    Yes, you can wear the POWERBREATHER also with flippers. Thanks to the TWIST LOCK SYSTEM as well as possibly wearing a bathing cap, it is fixed to the head in such way that it does not shift, even at higher speed.
  • Can I buy mouthpieces individually and in different sizes?
    The mouthpiece adapter of the POWERBREATHER is designed in such way that any mouthpiece on the market can be used instead of the AMEO mouthpiece.
  • How do I properly maintain my POWERBREATHER?
    After every use rinse and dry the POWERBREATHER – outside and inside. Remove the valve caps (SPEED VENTS) at the upper end of the D-TUBES and let the POWERBREATHER dry. Find details in the User Manual.
  • Is the POWERBREATHER suitable for long distances?
    Yes, thanks to the innovative valve technology of the AMEO FRESH AIR SYSTEM, the swimmer always breathes fresh air. Therefore, the ambitious swimmer as well as the recreational athlete can theoretically wear the POWERBREATHER for an unlimited period of time – particularly for crawl swimming. For the first time, there is no risk of pendulum breathing, i.e. increased inhalation of performance-reducing carbon dioxide. In addition, the POWERBREATHER offers the swimmer, thanks to its technology, always free breathing tubes and perfect ergonomics (secure fit, no pressure, no shifting, 180° vision): two advantages, which particularly are very positive in long-distance swimming.
  • For which swimming strokes is the POWERBREATHER suitable?
    With the POWERBREATHER you can practice front crawl, butterfly stroke and breaststroke. On the other hand, the POWERBREATHER is not suitable for backstroke.
  • Is the POWERBREATHER suitable for swimming schools?
    By all means! Swimming schools can use the POWERBREATHER specifically to learn swimming (exception: backstroke).
  • How can I improve my technique with the POWERBREATHER?
    When swimming with the POWERBREATHER you can “forget” breathing. This works – without laboriously turning the head left or right – virtually “automatically”. You can fully focus on proper arm and footwork. This helps improving your efficiency, hydrodynamics and the technique.
  • After the flip turn water stays inside the POWERBREATHER. How can I improve this?
    Crucial for dry flip turns – i.e., after emerging the D-tubes are always free of water – is,

    1. inhaling sufficient air before the flip turn and
    2. exhaling the majority of inhaled air only in face-down position – not in the lateral position – through the mouth.

    Tip: The flip turn is even easier with the optional FLIP CAPS. If turning rather left or right, the BLIND CAP can be clipped on alternatively.

    Find details regarding “Flip turn and POWERBREATHER” in the user manual.

  • My POWERBREATHER suddenly started filling up with water. How can I fix this?
    If your Powerbreather suddenly starts to fill up with water, when it never did before, it is probably just a grain of sand, a spec of dirt, or a bit of shell from the beach trapped under the valve. This can easily and quickly be cleared away, without even removing the mouthpiece grille cover, by flushing it out with a hose or holding the mouthpiece under a fast flowing tap nearby!
  • I lost a piece of the POWERBREATHER. Where do I get spares?
    We have replacement parts and upgrades in our Powerbreather UK Shop. Just get in contact if you cannot find what you need..
  • How and where can I buy a POWERBREATHER?
    You can buy the AMEO POWERBREATHER in the AMEO Online Shop.